The Awkward Yeti


*Nick Seluk, a cartoonist, authored and illustrated The Awkward Yeti and all of its work. He is well-known for creating the New York Times Bestselling series: Heart and Brain.
MediumComic Book Series
Street235 E Main St 105C
US StateMichigan
Zip/Postal Code48167
CountryUnited States

About the Artist

The Awkward Yeti and all of its work are authored and illustrated by cartoonist Nick Seluk. It was his dream since he was a kid to be funny, and someday he hopes to be. His New York Times Bestselling series Heart and Brain has brought popularity to the Awkward Yeti on social media, and he now copes with the pressure of trying to entertain millions of fans online.

In 2018, his first children’s book was published by Scholastic, titled The Sun is Kind of a Big Deal, the first in a 3-book series. You can find it in book stores and Scholastic fairs in schools.

Nick lives in Michigan, which has super big lakes surrounding it. He enjoys thinking about running, not actually running, and mostly doing nothing.

Nick Seluk, a cartoonist, authored and illustrated The Awkward Yeti and all of its work.

July 25, 2024 9:47 am

321 days, 9 hours

Listing ID 17260b1dada07784