2023 – Botanical Art


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MediumAirbrush, Bronze, Ceramic, Charcoal, Collage, Color Pencil, Computer Art, Digital Art, Digital Photography, Drawings, Encaustic, Fiber Arts, Glass Art, Graphite, Gouache, Illustration, Mixed Media, New Media, Oil, Pastel, Pen and Ink, Photo Assemblage, Printmaking, Sculpture, Traditional Photography, Video, or Watercolor
Compensation65% to the Artist
Street577 S. Coast Highway
CityLaguna Beach
US StateCalifornia
CountryUnited States
Zip/Postal Code92651

How to Apply

Visit our website at: https://www.laslagunaartgallery.com/2023botanical

Botanical Art (In Gallery + Online Exhibition)
Deadline: November 13, 2022
Notification: November 19, 2022
Exhibition: January 5 to January 28, 2023
Artist Reception: January 5, 2023
Commission: 65% to the Artist
$35 for up to 3 images
​Apply: https://www.laslagunaartgallery.com/2023botanical

Las Laguna Gallery presents Botanical Art and Illustration. For this online exhibition the gallery is seeking works that explore plants. Any works that highlights flowers, plants, trees, leaves, cactus, succulents, etc. will be considered. All local, national and international artists, professional and amateur and multiple art mediums will be considered in this call for art.

Acceptable mediums include Acrylic, Airbrush, Bronze, Ceramic, Charcoal, Collage, Color Pencil, Computer Art, Digital Art, Digital Photography, Drawings, Encaustic, Fiber Arts, Glass Art, Graphite, Gouache, Illustration, Mixed Media, New Media, Oil, Pastel, Pen and Ink, Photo Assemblage, Printmaking, Sculpture, Traditional Photography, Video, or Watercolor.​

Note: All artists who submit to this show will be accepted and have at least one of their submitted works posted and promoted on our website and to our client list. A select number of artists will be chosen to send their work to the gallery for the in-person exhibition at our brick-and-mortar gallery in Laguna Beach, California.

September 14, 2022 6:02 am

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Listing ID 717631b2f2e591ea