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ART SEARCH - Directory : Artists : Illustrations

Top : Artists : Illustrations

Listed websites:

  • Mike Bohatch
    Professional Illustrator of horror and dark, surreal art using mixed media, painting, collage, photography, and electronic imaging. "Specializing in horrific visual realization". - Work includes: CD art, magazine illustrations and covers, comic covers, and motion graphics.
    ( Rating: 6.28 )

  • Restless Moon Gallery
    Fantasy art presentation by Canadian artist Paulina Stuckey, featuring faeries and other beings of magic to lift the heart and stir the soul. Original Art and prints available.
    ( Rating: 6.22 )

  • Rick Beardsley: Wrath of the Talon
    This site contains my own original digital, colored pencil, and B&W artwork. Contemporary Fantasy/Sci-fi art taken straight from my derranged mind, enjoy!:)
    ( Rating: 6.03 )

  • AtLAS Illustration and Design Studio
    Linda A Scott - Artist Freelance art and illustration work. Loose and Simple. Watercolor/mixed media. Pet portraits also available on commission.
    ( Rating: 6.00 )

    Attisgarden: Original Fantasy, Visionary and Surreal Art by Brandi Epps. Prints, stickers, and unique gifts featuring fine Fantasy Art designs.
    ( Rating: 6.00 )

  • Suzanne Urban Designs
    Whimsical illustrative paintings with a folk-art style. Suzanne Urban's sense of humor shines through them all.
    ( Rating: 6.00 )

  • Best Norman Rockwell
    Seasoned Normam Rockwell collector shares highlights of his collection. Features extensive 1912 to 1922 scans of artwork, including Saturday Evening Post, Literary Digest, Country Gentleman and Life.
    ( Rating: 5.94 )

  • Ray Caesar Gallery
    Ray Caesar is a digital Lowbrow Pop Surrealist he is represented by Tinmanally gallery in Philadelphia. His work is best described as 3D digital mystical visitations of Good and Evil.
    ( Rating: 5.36 )

  • Lyudmila Tomova's Art
    Lyudmila Tomova's extraordinary work includes paintings on transparent surfaces, or canvas, editorial illustrations, design, and digital work.
    ( Rating: 5.13 )

  • Ric-illustrations
    Ric-Quiroz is a 17 year animation industry vetran. His gallery offers originals and prints for sale. You can also order a custom piece from this two time emmy certificate recipient. Come check us out!
    ( Rating: 5.07 )

  • Artistic Realms of Fantasy
    Artistic Realms is the online art portfolio for LDG. Art is available for sale through cafeshops and zazzle. If you have an art request, feel free to contact the artist.
    ( Rating: 5.03 )

  • Annie Owens Illustration
    Strangeish, darkish sometimes beautiful imagery in a diverse array of styles and mediums.
    ( Rating: 4.48 )

  • Batrice Coron: Papercutting and Books
    The art of Batrice Coron paper cuts is a new approach and interpretation of silhouettes, stencils and prints. Papercutting is used as structure or illustrations of handmade books.
    ( Rating: 4.31 )

  • deb hoeffner illustration
    Soft realism in oil, watercolor/pastel and pencil by internationally published illustrator. People, portraits, animals, religious and patriotic subjects, children's book and editorial illustration, all in artist's uniquely colorful, painterly style.
    ( Rating: 4.02 )

  • art and illustrations
    This site is dedicated to the Contempory illustration art of Marius Langerak
    ( Rating: 4.01 )

    Young artist with very wacky and witty imagery. variety of styles and mediums.
    ( Rating: 3.67 )

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Art Directory Pages Updated: February 2025US Art Careers